Registrations should be done online in period from 15 October till 30 November through the Tornelo Online Chess platform
- Open Tournament (any age)
- Women Tournament (female participants)
- Seniors Tournament (players over 50 years, born in 1972 or earlier)
- Youth Tournament (players up to 12, born in 2010 or later
9 rounds, Swiss System, with rate of play 10 minutes for a game per player + 3 seconds increment after each move. All the players compete from the approved tournament hall(s) per city/town.
The event will be live transmitted with video footage from all venues, interviews, and all games.
1st European Cities & Towns Chess Championship News
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Venue Guidelines
October 18, 2022| ectcc
October 18, 2022| ectcc
1st European Cities & Towns Chess Championship
October 18, 2022| ectcc